
Evaluating the Impact of Blog Posts for a Local Plumbing Company

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding the efficacy of various strategies is essential for driving success. Today, we’ll delve into the scenario of a local plumbing company in Fort Worth, TX, which generates a significant portion of its traffic from blog posts. However, despite the substantial traffic, only a small fraction originates from within the state. The question arises: Should the company continue producing blog posts? Let’s explore the rationale behind this decision.

Current Scenario

The local plumbing company garners about 2,000 search visits per month to its blog posts, constituting a substantial 60% of its overall traffic. However, a mere 10% of this traffic originates from within their state. Additionally, only 1% of total blog visits convert to a lead.


Despite the low local conversion rate, it’s imperative to assess the broader impact of blog posts on overall traffic and brand visibility. While the immediate focus may be on attracting local customers, overlooking the significance of engaging with a broader audience could limit the company’s growth potential.

Rationale for Continuing Blog Production

1. Brand Visibility: Blog posts serve as a vital channel for enhancing brand visibility and establishing the company as an authority in the plumbing industry. Consistent production of high-quality, informative content strengthens the website’s authority and fosters trust among both local and non-local audiences.

2. Engagement with Broader Audience: While attracting local customers is a priority, engaging with a broader audience through blog content contributes to expanding the company’s reach and attracting potential customers from diverse geographic locations.

3. Long-term Impact: Building a repository of valuable content not only drives immediate traffic but also yields long-term benefits. Over time, as the blog posts accumulate and gain traction, they continue to attract organic traffic and serve as a valuable resource for users seeking plumbing-related information.

Adjusting Content Strategy

To better align with the goal of attracting local customers, the company may consider adjusting its content strategy. Focusing on topics relevant to the local community, such as plumbing issues specific to Fort Worth or maintenance tips tailored to the region’s climate, can enhance local engagement and drive targeted traffic.


In conclusion, despite the current low local conversion rate, the local plumbing company should continue producing blog posts. The broader impact on overall traffic and brand visibility, coupled with the long-term benefits of content creation, outweigh the immediate focus on local conversions. By adjusting the content strategy to cater to the local community while maintaining a broader appeal, the company can effectively leverage blog content to attract and retain customers over the long term.

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