
Prioritizing SEO Efforts for Multiple Cities

In the vast landscape of SEO strategy, the art of prioritization often holds the key to unlocking success. When tasked with optimizing a website for keywords across multiple cities, strategic decision-making becomes paramount. Today, we’ll explore a scenario where a client seeks guidance on prioritizing SEO efforts across three cities and examine the rationale behind focusing on a specific location first.

Understanding the Scenario

Our client desires to elevate their website’s ranking to the coveted page one for a particular keyword. However, this keyword targets audiences across three distinct cities, each with its own search volume and current ranking position:

– City 1: This city boasts a service with 1,000 searches per month, with the site currently ranking at 34.
– City 2: With a service volume of 400 searches per month, this city’s site sits at a promising 11 ranking.
– City 3: The service in this city garners 150 searches per month, with the site holding a 18 ranking.

Strategic Prioritization

In navigating the complex web of SEO prioritization, it’s crucial to align our strategy with overarching objectives to yield optimal results. Among the trio of cities, City 2 emerges as the prime candidate for concentrated SEO efforts.

Why City 2?

– Moderate Search Volume, Favorable Ranking: City 2 boasts a moderate search volume of 400 searches per month, complemented by the site’s current ranking at position 11. This positioning indicates that the website is in close proximity to achieving a page one ranking.

– Potential for Expedited Results: Focusing on City 2 offers the potential for expedited results in attaining a page one ranking. With the site’s nearness to the top 10 results, targeted SEO optimizations stand a strong chance of propelling it onto the coveted first page at a relatively rapid pace compared to cities with lower rankings.

– Leveraging Existing Momentum: By prioritizing City 2, the client can leverage existing momentum and capitalize on the groundwork laid in their SEO strategy. This approach maximizes efficiency and ensures that resources are allocated where they can yield the most immediate and impactful results.


In the ever-evolving realm of SEO, strategic prioritization serves as the cornerstone of success. By strategically focusing on City 2 first, businesses can expedite their journey towards achieving page one rankings and capitalize on the opportunities presented by localized search intent. As the SEO landscape continues to evolve, adopting a targeted and strategic approach is essential for maximizing visibility and unlocking growth potential across diverse geographic markets.

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